
Dempo Charities Trust's


(Reaccredited by NAAC at 'A' grade with a CGPA of 3.14)


College Library Rules


1. Silence and order must at all times be maintained in and around the library.
2. Mobile phones should be kept on silent mode. No verbal communication is permitted using mobile phones
3. No food or drink shall be permitted in the library.
4. Personal belongings should be kept at the property counter. The library staff shall not be responsible for loss of valuables.
5. Every member visiting the library must wear a valid ID card, and shall scan the ID card at the barcode scanner kept at the counter.
6. Use of another person’s ID card for availing library facilities is prohibited
7. The Issue of books is subject to the rules and regulations of the library.
8. Personal visit to the library is mandatory for issue of books.
9. Library material borrowed for reference against ID cards should be returned on the same day.
10. Borrowers are required to check the physical condition of books before borrowing and damage if any, should be brought to the notice of the authorities. Else, the borrower may be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning the books.
11. In case loss or damage to any book; the member shall immediately inform the library staff. Members are required to make good such loss, by replacing the title lost with same or latest edition available in the market along with overdue charges.
12. The Librarian reserves the right to refuse the issue of a book to any member or may recall any book without assigning any reason thereof.
13. A fine of Re.1/- per day per book shall be charged for books overdue.
14. Members are required to close their library accounts by returning all books and paying necessary dues/fines if any at the end of every semester.
15. Shifting of chairs from one place to another in the reading room is strictly prohibited.
16. The library staff reserve the right to request anyone to leave the library premises, whose presence in their opinion has violated the library rules or whose presence is detrimental to the decorum and environment conducive to reading. Repeated incidence of such behaviour will attract disciplinary action.
17. The library is under surveillance of close circuit cameras. Members may note that activities are being recorded.
18. In case of suggestions, complaints, difficulty, please approach the library staff.
19. Decision on any other issue not covered by the above rules shall be decided by the Head of the Institution.

Rules for use of Browsing Station:

1. Computers should be used for academic purpose only.
2. Downloading facility is available. Printing service is available.
3. Internet use shall be monitored by the authorities.
4. Online chatting, browsing of social networking sites and such other non-academic activities shall invite strict disciplinary action.
5. Changes in the display and setting of the computers are prohibited.
6. Computers should be used without interference of any kind with the present setup of the system.
7. Use of personal gadgets like keyboard, mouse, cables etc is prohibited inside the Library.
8. Members are requested to take care of their pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, mobiles, wallets etc.
9. The speed and availability of the internet shall depend upon the technical feasibility.